A Big Conversation
Impact, Imprints & Creation
A gentle exploration of how the Pandemic/Lockdown left us, & what is yet to be resolved or created.
A Big Conversation & why now?
For quite some time, I've felt the need to initiate a conversation to explore our experience during the pandemic and lockdown.
And any imprints or consequences that may be left behind, both good and bad.
My intention, and those helping me with this project, isn't to relive the experience but to review what happened. And decide what actions we need to take - if any.
I've put together a simple process and framework to guide us, which has been tested and refined by those helping me and by the participants in our first conversations.
The Big Conversation isn't a prescriptive one-size-fits-all solution, but an individual exploration shared within a kind, respectful and caring community.
If this sounds like something you'd like to be part of, put your name and email in the form below, and we'll send you details as it's firmed up and the conversation starts.
Sign up below to register you interest in joining the Big Conversation
About Nicholas Haines

My name is Nicholas Haines and I am the creator of The Vitality Test, as well as an international speaker, author, strategist and teacher in Chinese energetics.
I spent thirty-five years practising and teaching Traditional Chinese Medicine and recently calculated that over that time, I conducted over 50,000 one on one consultations. During that time, I used the Five Energies as a way to help my patients rise above what was happening in their life and feel safer, more in control, happier and more complete. When they understood themselves and their world life was better.
I also spent that time exploring and using ancient Chinese Energy theories in all manner of areas both nationally and internationally.
It's been my life's work and all I have ever done.
Now you'll find me utilising that body of knowledge and experience to improve how we treat ourself and others, right through to how families, relationships, business cultures, governments and international change operate.