A Year to Plant the Seeds of Change  

Chinese New Year 2024

Free Webinar

Once every 60 years, a Wood Dragon arrives to share an important message with you and the world. A message that, if ignored, will have repercussions stretching out over time.

What message will the Wood Dragon give you in 2024?

To understand the message for the 2024 Wood Dragon year, we must first recognise the significance of the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac. Dragons are the only animal in the Zodiac that are not of this earth, and as such they carry messages from other worlds. 

Messages from the divine.

Wood Dragon years occur every 60 years and at their heart are about reinvention, revolution, and change. Wood Dragon years create the potential for peace, love and equality.

They are years where you can reinvent or rediscover yourself and clear past blocks and limitations.

But you must grasp that opportunity!

This is some of what we will cover in the Wood Dragon Webinar

  • The undercurrent of Energy sitting below the surface of 2024 and beyond 
  • What 2024 is really about for you and humanity! 
  • The three important strategies you need to follow in 2024, and how that will impact your future. 
  • What will try and stop your flow in 2024 and how to deal with that potential.
  • The significance of the 60 year cycle! 
  • The message in the messy muddle of the last 4 years!
  • Practical advice on making the most of this time. 
  • Creation, manifestation and aligning yourself with to Energy of this year. 
  • And many more insights and areas of guidance for this 2024 Wood Dragon Year

Two Dates To Choose From (Live Webinar with Q&A)

6pm GMT / 1pm EST/ 10am PST

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6pm GMT / 1pm EST/ 10am PST

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The Webinar Begins in: 


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Put your details below and choose a date to join
The Chinese New Year Wood Dragon Webinar

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This is what people said after some of my previous events

I want to thank you for this webinar link that you sent last year. I watched it at the beginning of the year and it consistently helped me to focus on one important thing only for the year. 

After 6 years, I managed to buy a house - which is quite a huge achievement in many respects. The angst of decision making being a huge barrier to overcome.

So thanks for the advice - as it came to mind many times throughout the year.

Sarah Greaves United Kingdom

“The highest version of you is waiting patiently to meet you. It always has been and always will.

It's just a matter of rising up and saying hello."

- Nicholas Haines

If you're interested in the Free Wood Dragon Webinar, check out Confidence, Flow & Finding You.

It's been designed make the most of this year.

Confidence, Flow & Finding You


Confidence, Flow & Finding You is Available Because...  This Is Your Time To Shine!

About your Host

Nicholas Haines

Nicholas Haines is the creator of The Vitality Test and a Kindness Ambassador and an international speaker, author, strategist, and teacher in Chinese medicine and energetics. 

He has spent all his adult life practically applying the wisdom of Chinese philosophy to health, personal development, business, leadership, relationships and international change.

Through his work at the Five Institute, he has been engaged by a diverse range of companies, individuals and organisations. From leadership teams at large corporations to NHS hospitals, educational institutes, and international governments address issues around relationships, entrepreneurship, cultures, communication, diversity, empowerment, and kindness.

Nicholas has always considered physical, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing as a cornerstone of personal and international change.

As such he has spent 35 years on the frontline as a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and running a busy Complementary Health Centre in Nottingham (UK) before retiring in 2015. As testimony to his commitment and expertise, Nick conducted over 50,000 private consultations and for over 25 years he had a waiting list of at least six months to see him as a new client, stretching at some points to a ridiculous 2-year wait.

He now proudly heads up the Five Institute.

Unique Insights

All our solutions and training here at the Five Institute are based around The Vitality Test.

The results  and insights  we share will surprise and amaze you. It's what we're great at.

Training That Doesn't Cost The Earth

All our training is designed to have the maximum impact for you, those around you  and be good for the planet. Plus be practical, fun and down to earth, and wherever possible be super affordable for everyone. 

If you think someone would benefit from The Wood Dragon Webinar then please share this page with them. We keep our costs down for all our training and offer free events because everyone we know shares the love. For which we are very grateful. 
