The Deception at the Heart of   Masculine and Feminine Energy

From the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Chinese civilisations, right through to the modern-day practices, traditions and conventions, the idea of Feminine and Masculine Energy was a social construct promoted to subdue women and give men the right to rule and decide.

Don't be fooled into the idea that Feminine and Masculine Energy is a liberating force for women, a method to reclaim what it is to be a man or a way to understand each other.

Now is the time for you to take a stand and see this manipulation for what it is.

You were born unique and not defined by your gender.

There is no such thing as Feminine and Masculine Energy, nor gender-based traits or behaviours other than the ones that have been socially constructed.

LISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW WHERE Dr Carolyn Eddelston & Nicholas (Nick) Haines discuss the socially constructed nature of Feminine and Masculine Energy.    Click on the button.

We believe that you promised to be something or do something when you came to earth. Don’t let the socially constructed nature of your gender steal that promise. 

Be your unique and wonderful self in all its glorious shades of brilliance.


The Vitality Test

Take the Vitality Test as a new way of understanding yourself and others that goes beyond these simple stereotypes of Feminine or Masculine Energy. 

About Your Host

My name is Nicholas Haines. I head the Five Institute and I am the creator of The Vitality Test, as well as an international speaker, author, strategist and co-founder of the No More Boxes Movement.

I spent thirty-five years practising and teaching Traditional Chinese Medicine and recently calculated that over that time, I conducted over 50,000 one on one consultations. In every one of those sessions, I met someone who was striving to make sense of themselves, their relationships or their world.

Now you'll find me utilising that body of knowledge and experience to improve how we treat ourself and others, right through to how families, relationships, business cultures, governments and international change operate. 
