Introducing This Vital Life Monthly Membership

Your Path To Love Living As You and A Life Well Lived

This Vital Life Monthly Membership Is Currently Closed

Please Note: We only occasionally open up memberships to This Vital Life. The last time we opened our doors was in October 2023. We are planning to open for 2 days in February 2025

Nick and his work at the Five Institute have been a constant in my life since 2018. 

His annual masterclasses set the tone for the year ahead. I devour every second as I prepare and equip myself with the tools to navigate whatever comes my way.

Being an active member of the wonderful This Vital Life community keeps me on track, knowing I have the support of the kindest souls to be my version of brave and heroic as we face life’s challenges. I couldn’t be without it”

 - Kirsty Innes

What This Vital Life Monthly Membership will give you

  • A new & powerful way to see the world that will empower you and allow you to rise up and be who you're born to be 
  • A map to what's on the horizon and heading your way
  • A new way to resolve the past and move forward 
  • More confidence and a deeper understanding of yourself 
  • Easier self-love, kindness and self-care on a day to day basis
  • Happier relationships with less conflict and more flow
  • More optimism and less random thoughts and worries
  • Unique and powerful tools to tackle the ups and downs of life
  • A dramatic reduction stress and anxiety about the future
  • Less fear about getting it wrong or making a mistake
  • An easy to use set of tools - so you can take on the world!
  • A life where you love living as you
  • And most importantly, a community of like-minded souls

This Vital Life Is Closed 

Please Note: We only open up membership to This Vital Life at specific times, typically after a Quest or Challenge or at the start of the year. The rest of the time, you'll see a waiting list.

The Five Pillars Within This Vital Life


This pillars is all about you learning to be your own cheerleader. Of course you're going to have the rest of This Vital Life Crew cheering you on, but encouragement has to start as an internal action. That's Pillar 1: Encouragement


Right from the get go you'll start to see the world in a new light, that's what we do brilliantly. The Enlightenment Pillar is you deepening that knowledge, and as a result, you'll start to shine even more brightly in the world.


The Elevation Pillar is when you start to rise-up and meet the highest version of you. And if life throws you a curved ball, you're able to lift yourself up when you're down. This is the central part of your journey.


This is when you start to feel fully empowered by all that you've learnt and experienced, you'll start to feel confident in your own abilities to deal with anything. At this stage people often want to empower others. 


Embodiment is a vital part of what we do. We want you to be the embodiment of everything you've learnt. You encourage yourself, you shine brightly, you're happily exploring how you can rise ever higher, you feel empowered and empower others. You are the Embodiment of all you were born to be. You Love Living As You. 

What's Included in This Vital Life Monthly Membership

Our top priority when we designed This Vital Life was to ensure you make consistent progress and at the same time, you're not overwhelmed or swamped by too much content. We want you to love living as you and not feel this is one more thing to do.

So, everything we do is delivered in super simple bite-size chunks to stop overwhelm and to keep you consistently moving and improving. It's also different from any other content available


Week 1: Energy Waves

We start the month off looking at the energy of the coming month. What's ahead, what to watch out for and what you need to do to stay in flow and happy. You'll love this!

Time: The Energy Waves video and audio will be posted up on the first Tuesday of each month or delivered live as part of the Q&A session.

Week 1: Live Q&A and Support

On the first Wednesday of each month we also have a live session on Zoom. In this session we discuss the energy of the month ahead, I answer any questions and we explore what we picked up last month. These are also recorded in case you can't make it.


Week 2: Mind School & Conscious Questions

In week two, I give you a short video to explore some aspect to help you love living as you, plus a powerful set of  Conscious Questions specifically designed to support you during this month. 

Time: The video and Conscious Questions are posted on the second Tuesday of each month or delivered live as part of the Q&A session. 

Here's Just Some Of The Topics From Week 2: Mind School & Conscious Questions You'll Get Instant Access To When You Join This Vital Life - This is Priceless!

  • October 2024 - The Vital Life Map
  • September 2024 - The Fundamentals of Flow Part 2
  • August 2024 - The Fundamentals of Flow
  • June 2024 - Remembering What We're Proud of and Have Done Well
  • May 2024 - A Conscious Reset vs An Unconscious Repeat
  • April 2024 - I Choose & Make it Happen
  • March 2024 - Self Mastery & Feeling Better/Happier
  • January 2024 - Fear, Fright and Things That Go Bump in the Night
  • November 2023 - The Message In Our Emotions
  • October 2023 - Testing our Big Question and the trouble it causes!
  • September 2023 - Identity Shifting
  • August 2023 - What's Great About Gossiping (Part 2)
  • July 2023 - What's Great About Gossiping (Part 1)
  • June 2023 - Energetic Architecture & Flow
  • May 2023 - Boundaries & Conscious Questions
  • April 2023 - Boundaries & The Nine Energy States
  • March 2023 - A Bounce Around Boundaries
  • February 2023 - Glue, Glitter and Magic and You!
  • January 2023: Stepping Into an Energy at will
  • December 2022: I Choose & I Make it Happen
  • November 2022: Assumptions 
  • October 2022: Stillness in the Storm
  • September 2022: Are we asking too much of those around us?  Tolerating - Accepting - Affirming
  • August 2022: Boxes: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
  • July 2022: Embodying and Remembering What We Do Well - This is really Important!
  • June 2022: The Four Types of Energetic Architecture & Why They Matter
  • May 2022: Becoming & Being The Hero In Your World Based On Your Energy Type!
  • April 2022: Stepping Into Your Superpower - An Introduction to Step In & Step Up 
  • March 2022: Calming and Reassuring Yourself - And when that goes wrong
  • February 2022: Why we say Yes to something based on our Energies, and why that isn't always a good idea.
  • January 2022: Transitions, Changes & New Beginnings
  • December 2021: An Unusual Look at The Power of Gratitude
  • Nov 2021: Fear, Fright and Things That Go Bump In The Night - Overcoming Fears
  • Oct 2021: Internal Contradictions Part 2
  • Sept 2021: Internal Contradictions Part 1
  • August 2021: When is the past unhelpful?
  • July 2021: A Unique way to install a new behaviour
  • June 2021: The Energy of Past and Future lives
  • May 2021: We all have ideas and dreams, but are they good ideas? And should we follow our dreams?
  • April 2021: Stuckness and Stagnation and the power of preformed states
  • March 2021: You vs Me and the Art of Comparison
  • February 2021: Being A Perfectionist - Is that good is that bad and what to do about it!
  • January 2021: Digging Into Your Reserves and Keeping in Energy Balance
  • December 2020: Stubborn and fixed behaviours: Conscious Questions and Energy-based solutions
  • Nov 2020: Self Mastery and Feeling Better
  • Oct 2020: Dealing with the unknown

Week 2: Live Q&A and Support

On the second Wednesday of each month, we have another live session on Zoom. In this session, we discuss the content from Week 2 or anything that's coming up. The Q&A sessions are there to support you, clear confusion and keep you on track.


Week 3: HIGH FIVE!

High Five is all about clearing blocks, making sure that life is flowing smoothly and having your questions answered.

In week three, I'll take the five most popular questions and answer them for you in a series of short videos. There is no live session in Week 3


Week 4: The Cheeky Check in 

This is when we have our social, tap into what's been happening, recognise our stretches and celebrate our successes. Plus a few cheeky things I've  got planned for us on this live Zoom call.


ThroughOut the Month -  Step In & Step Up

Each of the Five Energies from your Vitality Test profile has a low and a high vibrational state. For example, Sacrifice vs Giving for Earth Energy, Anger vs Innovation for Wood Energy, Our Fears vs Our Purpose for Water Energy, Enthusiasm vs Overcommitment for Fire Energy and Delivering Quality vs Perfectionism for Metal Energy.

For many of us, our biggest life lessons are based around learning the difference between the low and high vibrational states for our most dominant Energies.  

Each month we focus on embodying and learning about one of the Five Energies. You'll learn how to consciously step into the highest version of that Energy just when you need its superpower and wisdom.

By the end of the process, you'll decided which Energy serves you, and you step into it.

You'll have the ultimate freedom and power to become who you're meant to be. 

This stuff is incredible

"The Five Energies really rock! Thanks for the introduction... I did the test ages ago but had “no time” to look at it properly... I am speechless!! This stuff is incredible!!!"

- Emanuele Vanoli -


Free Access To Many of our premium Quests, Makeovers and Courses

As part of This Vital Life, you get access to our best events and courses for free or at a reduced price. 

Here's some of the courses you can access for free or at a reduced price. All for $35 per month. 

1The Five Day Mindset Makeover People love this course so much they often go on it multiple times.

Priced between $45 & $95. Yours for free. 

  1. 2.  The New Year Masterclass This hugely popular annual event is an ideal way to start the year. 

Priced between $95 & $155. Yours for free

3. The Energetic Education Fundamentals:
Becoming The Energetic Architect Of Your Life

Unlock your potential in Become The Energetic Architect Of Your Life: The Fundamentals, a five-week journey grounded in the Five Energies. Gain transformative insights, empowering tools, and a personalised framework to understand your unique strengths, purpose, and challenges, designing a life that fulfils your true promise.

Priced at $570. Yours for $222

4. Confidence, Flow and Finding You 

The Six Week Quest Confidence, Flow & Finding You is ideal if you've lost your way and you need to find yourself again. You keep getting stuck, blocked or frustrated, and you want the confidence to do what you're here to do next.

Priced at $570. Yours for $222

5. The Answer During most of my 35 years in practice, I had at least a 6-month waiting list to work with me. Which at times stretched to a ridiculous two-year wait. Conscious Questions and their ability to solve our inner and outer problems played a big part in creating that waiting list.

In this powerful three-hour in-depth training. I'll take you from a basic understanding of a Conscious Question to becoming a budding expert. The Answer is both practical and enlightening and available now as a recording.

Priced between $95 & $122. Yours for free!

All for between $20 - $35 per month!
*Conditions Apply - see here 

We're proud to have made This Vital Life Monthly Membership practical, innovative, life-changing, fun, inclusive and incredible value.

Joining This Vital Life Monthly Membership

You have three payment options to join This Vital Life. Please choose the option that meets your needs. 

Monthly Membership


35 per month

  • A Monthly Energy Waves Video
  • Mind School - Lessons for this time
  • A Stack of Conscious Questions 
  • High-Five a unique Q&A!
  • A Monthly Cheeky Checkin
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Private Membership/Content Area
  • Reduced or Free Access to Premium Quests, Makeovers and Courses * *Conditions Apply - see below. 


Staged Access

As a Monthly Member of This Vital Life you have staged access to the content.

In Month 1: Instant access to all the previous Mind/Soul school content.

A $384 discount voucher for the next quest:  Become The Energetic Architect Of Your Life: The Fundamentals

Plus, all the This Vital Life live events, including Step In & Step Up

You can attend or get access to a recording of the New Year Masterclass: The Wood Snake

In Month 2: You now have a recording of The Answer a Conscious Questions Masterclass, which you'll love!

Total Additional Value At 2 months: $628. Real Value In Life: Priceless
Monthly Fee: $35

Please Note: Access to all this content is based on an active membership. 

Full Access

As an Annual Member of This Vital Life you have full and instant access to everything within the membership.

Instant access to all the previous Mind/Soul school content.

A $384 discount voucher for the next quest  : Become The Energetic Architect Of Your Life: The Fundamentals.

All the This Vital Life live events, including Step In & Step Up

You can attend or get access to a recording of the New Year Masterclass: The Wood Snake.

A recording of The Answer a Conscious Questions Masterclass.

Total Additional Value In Money: $628

Real Value In Life: Priceless
Monthly Fee: $29

Please Note: Access to all this content is based on an active membership. 

Full Access + 1-2-1 Consultation

As a Five Year Member of This Vital Life, you have complete and instant access to everything within the membership.

Plus, a 1-2-1 session with Nicholas Haines.

Instant access to all the previous Mind/Soul school content.

A $384 discount voucher for the next quest:  Become The Energetic Architect Of Your Life: The Fundamentals

All the This Vital Life live events including Step In & Step Up

You can attend or get access to a recording of the New Year Masterclass: The Wood Snake.

A recording of The Answer a Conscious Questions Masterclass.

Total Additional Value In Money: $868

Real Value In Life: Priceless
Monthly Fee: $20

Please Note: Access to all this content is based on an active membership. 

30 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If you don't think we have shared valuable insights during the first month, or the membership isn't for you, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund

Please Note: After 30 days there is no refund on Annual or Five Year memberships, even on a pro rata basis (Refunds based on the time you have left of your membership).

What We Believe To Be True

The Power of Kindness and Inner Transformation

We believe that everyone should experience Kindness in their lives.  As you travel on this journey with us, you'll start to experience more Kindness in your life, starting with you being kind to yourself and recognising that you're a very special person. And from that place of inner truth and transformation you'll shine more brightly in the world, and into every place that needs you. 


Where will I find my content as part of This Vital Life?

This Vital Life content and interaction happens in two places.

All the content will be held in a dedicated Members Area, neatly organised into sections.

This content will also be in available in a private Facebook Group which hosts our community interaction, discussions etc. I am aware that Facebook doesn't suit everyone, so I have designed this membership to work without you ever having to go on Facebook. 

Which is why you'll have access to all the content and support you need outside Facebook in This Vital Life Membership Area and via Zoom.

Will I have to use complicated software to join the live interactions? 

No, we use the meeting platform Zoom, and it's super easy to use. So, you don't have to be a computer whizz to join us. In fact, you don't even need to have a computer, you can join us from your smart phone or tablet! 

Does being part of this membership involve a lot of time, work or collective activity?

The answer to that is no, not if you don't want it to. 

How much of that you do, or get involved with is up to you. What we do know is that if you just do a small part of anything we suggest, it will have a profound impact. 

Can I join This Vital Life Monthly Membership at any time?

No. We only open up the membership at specific times, typically after a Quest or a Challenge or at the start of the year. The rest of the time you'll see waiting list. 

What if I can't make it to the live session? 

Don't worry. Every session, conversation and interaction will be recorded for you and made available in your private membership area, along with all the sporting material. So if you can't make it or need to re-listen, then it's there waiting for you. You won't lose out.

What if I lose my way or get behind? 

You can't. This membership is designed for you to go at your own pace, so you  can never get behind. Plus, it's been designed as a simple path to follow, so you can't lose your way. And if you think you have... then there's the Q&A and the community to support you. 

What if I join and it's not for me, or something crops up? 

Not a problem, we have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Just let us know within 30 days of joining and we'll refund your money. After that you can cancel at any time. Please note: After 30 days there is no refund on annual or five year memberships, even on a pro rata basis. 

Just so you know, access to the content within This Vital Life is based on your active membership. 


By joining This Vital Life, you agree to pay Five Global for a subscription. This will be renewed each month or year, depending on your membership. If you do not wish to renew your membership, you can cancel anytime.

If you like this and you think someone would love to join the membership, then share the love. 
