
Know Yourself Like Never Before

People around the world are describing The Vitality Test as the most insightful personality test they’ve ever experienced.

The Vitality Test is 100% free and comes with a comprehensive and full report for you to keep and review. Your results and Vitality Test profile are completely confidential to you, and won't be shared with anyone unless you give your clear permission. 


This stuff is incredible

"The Five Energies really rock! Thanks for the introduction... I did the test ages ago but had “no time” to look at it properly... I am speechless!! This stuff is incredible!!!"

- Emanuele Vanoli -

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Appreciate Your Past
100 %
Value Your Present
100 %
Create Your Future

What people have shared about The Vitality Test

Wendy Macartney... "The Vitality Test is more accurate than the other 15 tests (developed by psychologists) I have done."

“The Vitality Test a perfect description of me and a very insightful way to understand myself in a new and more profound way. This test is more accurate than the other 15 tests (developed by psychologists) I have done.

- Wendy C Macartney, United Kingdom 
(HR and OD Consultant)

Gido Schimanski... "Nick’s work will change your life..."

“Working with Nick has been a truly groundbreaking experience and I could literally hear one penny drop after another. It finally made perfect sense why some areas of my business were constantly jarring, where others are thriving without me even trying. 

And utilising those insights has enabled me to take my relationships with my clients to a whole new level. 

If you want to find out how to harness your genius rather than banging your head against the same close door over and over again then Nick’s work will change your life.”

- Gido Schimanski, Germany (Transformational Coach for Creative High Achievers)

María José Pérez... "A million of thanks. I feel so grateful that I cannot express it with words"

“ I'm a Spanish women who have discovered your institute and the Vitality Test thanks to Dr Andrea Pennington's video at TED and after reviewing the results of my test, I only can say: A million of thanks. I feel so grateful that I cannot express it with words. It's like I could say: Hey, I'm not mad for being as I'm. 

I'm in the way I'm because of my nature and it's nothing wrong with it. I have understood what I was feeling inside me had a reason. I'm getting proud of realizing how and who I am and you have helped me so much...

- María José Pérez, Spain

To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. 

Albert Einstein 


Here are the answers to our most frequently asked questions...

Who's behind the Five Institute?

What happens when I click the blue button?

What is The Vitality Test measuring?

Will The Vitality Test put me in a box?

Who created The Vitality Test?

How accurate is The Vitality Test? 

Does my Vitality Profile change over time?

Why is The Vitality Test Free?

Is there a paid version of The Vitality Test?

How long do I have access to my results?

Do you offer any additional support?  

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